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Student Visa Processing

Study in Australia

Australia is a study destination that offers students a world-class education, multicultural experiences, and an adventurous lifestyle. Australian universities are ranked among the top in the world and offer internationally recognized qualifications. The quality of education and research at Australian universities is supported by excellent facilities, experienced staff, and strong industry partnerships.

Australian institutions also emphasize student support services which can help you settle into life on campus and adjust to living in a new country. Many campuses are located close to beaches or natural landscapes, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and recreation. Australia’s diverse culture will also give you plenty of opportunities to experience different lifestyles, food, and music from around the globe.

What is Student Visa?

Student visas are a type of visa that allows students to come and study in a foreign country. They are usually for people who want to study at a university or other institution of higher education. Student visas can also be for people who want to do language training or take part in an internship or traineeship. 

There are different types of student visas, depending on the country you want to study in. In some countries, you need a student visa even if you will only be studying for a few months. 

To get a student visa, you will usually need to show that: 

  • You have been accepted by an educational institution; 
  • You can afford to pay for your studies and living expenses; 
  • You have enough money to support yourself during your stay; and 
  • You meet the other requirements set by the immigration authorities in the country you want to study in

Student Visa Processing for Australia 

If you’re thinking of studying in Australia, one of the first things you need to do is apply for a student visa. The process can seem daunting, but with the help of an experienced education agent, it’s easy to navigate. Here are the steps you need to take: 

  1. Choose your course and institution
    The first step is to choose your course and institution. Make sure the course is registered with ASQA (the Australian Skills Quality Authority) and that the institution has been accredited by ASQA or another recognized authority. 
  2. Get your paperwork in order
    Once you’ve chosen a course, gather all of your documentation including academic transcripts, proof of English proficiency (if required), passport photos and evidence that you have enough money saved up for living expenses while in Australia (at least A$18000 per year). 
  3. Lodge your application online via Immi Account
    Create an ImmiAccount and then lodge your visa application online using this account – this will save time and ensure that all supporting documents are attached correctly. You can also use ImmiAccount to track the progress of your application once it has been lodged. 
  4. Wait for a decision from DIBP
    It usually takes around two weeks for DIBP (the Department of Immigration & Border Protection) to make a decision on student visas so be patient! Once a decision has been made, DIBP will send an electronic notification directly to your ImmiAccount inbox advising whether or not your visa has been granted

Requirements of Covid 19 vaccine for Australian Student Visa 

If you are an international student looking to study in Australia, there are a few things you will need to do before your visa can be approved. One of those is getting vaccinated against Covid-19.

The Australian government has recently announced that all students and visitors from high-risk countries will now be required to receive the Covid-19 vaccine as part of their visa application process. This new requirement applies to students and visitors from China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, and Japan.

So what does this mean for you? If you are coming from one of these countries, or have recently been in one of these countries, you will need to provide proof that you have received the Covid-19 vaccine when applying for your student visa. You may also be asked to complete a health declaration form detailing any recent travel history or contact anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

If you are not coming from one of these high-risk countries but would still like to get vaccinated against Covid-19, it is important that you speak with your doctor first as there may be risks associated with receiving the vaccine if it is not necessary for your travel plans.

Are you interested in Student Visa Processing? We can help!

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