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Start-up Visa Processing

About the process

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:

  • are innovative
  • can create jobs for Canadians
  • can compete on a global scale

Do you have an innovative business idea? If you can get support for your idea from one of the designated organizations, you may be able to immigrate to Canada.

Who can apply

To be eligible for the Start-up Visa Program, you must:

  • have a qualifying business
  • get a letter of support from a designated organization
  • meet the language requirements
  • bring enough money to settle

Have a qualifying business

A qualifying business means you created a business that meets the following conditions.

  • At the time you get a commitment from a designated organization:
    • each applicant holds 10% or more of the voting rights attached to all shares of the corporation outstanding at that time (up to 5 people can apply as owners)
    • applicants and the designated organization jointly hold more than 50% of the total voting rights attached to all shares of the corporation outstanding at that time
  • At the time you receive your permanent residence:
    • you provide active and ongoing management of this business from within Canada
    • an essential part of the operations of the business happens in Canada
    • this business is incorporated in Canada

Get a letter of support from a designated organization

You must get a letter of support from a designated organization (a business group that has been approved to invest in or support possible start-ups).

You’ll need to:

  • contact the designated organization to find out how to get its support
  • convince the organization that you have a business idea that is worth supporting
  • get a letter of support from the designated organization

The process to pitch your idea is different for each organization. Each organization has its own requirements. For example, you may be asked to present your business concept in person or submit a detailed business plan.

If you reach an agreement with a designated organization, it will send you a letter of support. You need to include this letter when you submit your application to us. This is the proof you need to show that the venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator is supporting your business idea.

The organization will also send a commitment certificate directly to us. We’ll use both your letter of support and the organization's commitment certificate to assess your application. Please note, we may ask you for more business information in order to take a final decision on your application.

If you don’t include the letter of support or meet any of the other requirements, we’ll refuse your application.

Meet the language requirements

The ability to communicate and work in English, French or both languages will help your business succeed in Canada.

You must take a language test from an approved agency and include the results with your application, or we won’t process it.

You must meet the minimum level of the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 5 in either English or French in all of these four areas:

  • speaking
  • reading
  • listening
  • writing

Use your test results to find your CLB level.

If you don’t meet the minimum language skills, we’ll refuse your application.

Bring enough money to settle

The Government of Canada does not give financial support to new start-up visa immigrants.

When you apply, you’ll need to give proof that you have the money to support yourself and your dependants after you arrive in Canada. You can’t borrow this money from another person.

The amount you need depends on the size of your family. These amounts are updated every year.

Number offamily membersFunds required(in Canadian dollars)
For each additional family member$3,560

How to apply

You need to give your biometrics

In most cases, you now need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply. Find out where biometrics fits in the application process.

How to apply to

  • Get the application package
  • Pay your application fees
  • Submit your application

Get the application package

The application package for a start-up visa includes an instruction guide and a document checklist.

Fill out the application form

  1. Fill out the Generic Application Form for Canada on your computer
  2. Click the “Validate” button on the form. If there are any fields you still need to fill out, they will be outlined in red
  3. Print the validated application form. Make sure to print all pages of the application form and the barcode page. The barcode page will come up after you validate the form. If you have more than one package, place a separate barcode page on each one.
  4. Sign and date the form where asked

Complete the document checklist

  1. Gather all supporting documents and information in the order identified in the Document Checklist.
  2. Check off each item
  3. Place all identification and supporting documents in a sealed envelope
  4. Print out the document checklist and sign it
  5. Include the document checklist as the cover page of your application

You must include all the forms, supporting documents, signatures, language test results and the proof of payment of the processing fees. If any are missing, your application will be incomplete. We’ll send it back to you without processing it.

All of your answers must be complete and true. If we find that you gave us false information or left out important details:

  • your application could be refused
  • you could be found inadmissible and
  • you could be barred for five years from applying to come to Canada for any reason

Pay your application fees

In most cases, your fees will include:

  • processing fees for you and anyone you include on your application
  • the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF)
  • biometrics
  • third-party fees

You have to pay your fees online

Biometrics fee

In most cases, you must pay a biometrics fee when you submit your application. Otherwise, you may experience delays. The biometrics fee covers the cost of collecting fingerprints and a digital photo.

After you pay the biometrics fee with a complete application, we’ll send you a letter confirming that you need to give your biometrics and where you can go. You must show this letter when you give your biometrics.

You must give your biometrics in person. Make sure to book an appointment if this service is offered. Find a collection point close to you.

Third-party fees

Depending on your situation, you may need to pay third parties for:

  • medical exams
  • police certificates
  • language testing

The instruction guide can help you understand which fees apply to you.

To make sure you have a complete application, you must:

  • answer all questions
  • sign your application and all forms
  • pay your processing fees and attach a copy of the receipt to your application
  • include all the supporting documents

If you forget something, we’ll send your application back to you. You’ll have to fix any errors and resubmit it.

Mail your complete application to the address in the instruction guide.

Don’t send your application to any other processing centre or visa office.

After you apply

After you apply follow these procedures

  • Get your fingerprints and photo taken
  • How we assess your application
  • Processing times
  • Medical exams
  • Police certificates
  • Decision on your application
  • Confirmation of permanent residence

Work in Canada while we review your application

While your application for permanent residence is being processed, you can apply for a temporary work permit to get to Canada and start building your business. See work permits for start-up visa applicants.

Get your fingerprints and photo taken

If you’re between 14 and 79 years old, you need to give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) for every application for permanent residence you submit to us. Even if you gave your biometrics in the past and they’re still valid.

  • You must pay the biometrics fee when you submit your application. Otherwise you may experience delays.
  • Get this done as soon as you get the letter from us that tells you to give biometrics.
  • You have 30 days to do this from the date on the letter.

How we assess your start-up visa application

After you apply, we’ll verify that you have:

  • filled out your application forms correctly and signed them
  • paid your processing fees and
  • included all required documents

If you forget something, your application won’t be processed and will be sent back to you.

Processing times

You may be able to avoid delays by:

  • telling the visa office about any changes to your personal information, such as your address, telephone number or email, or the birth of a child and
  • not contacting the visa office more than once about the same issue

Your application will be delayed if:

  • there are criminal or security problems or we need to do more background checks
  • your family situation is not clear—reasons could include a divorce or an adoption that is not yet complete or child custody issues that have not been resolved or
  • the visa office has to contact other visa offices in Canada or abroad to verify the data you gave

Medical exams

You must have a medical exam before you come to Canada. Your family members must also have one, even if they aren’t coming with you.

We won’t accept your application if your health:

  • is a danger to Canada’s public health or safety or
  • would cause too great a demand on health or social services in Canada

We’ll send you a letter to tell you how to get the medical exam after we send your application to the visa office.

Police certificates

If you have a criminal record, you may not be allowed to enter Canada. People who pose a risk to Canada’s security also aren’t allowed to come to Canada.

To immigrate to Canada, you and any family members 18 years of age and older must provide police certificates to the visa office, if asked to do so. You must get a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for 6 or months in a row since the age of 18. We strongly recommend that you take steps to get your police certificates now to avoid future delays.

Decision on your application

We’ll make a decision on your application if you:

  • meet the eligibility criteria
  • have enough money to support yourself and your family when you arrive in Canada
  • pass the medical exam and police certificate

We’ll contact you if you need to send more documents or go to an interview.

If your application is approved, we’ll ask you to send your passport to the visa office so we can issue your permanent resident visa.

Confirmation of permanent residence

If we approve your application, we’ll issue you a permanent resident visa. This visa includes your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and your entry visa.

Your COPR will have information about who you are, as well as your photograph. Please check to make sure it’s correct. It should be the same as the information on your passport. If there’s a mistake on your COPR, contact us through your account.You must have your COPR and your visa with you when you arrive in Canada. We won’t extend your COPR, so you should make sure to use it before it expires.

Are you interested in Start-up Visa Processing? We can help!

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